Blaine Invitational Girls JV 4K

Majestic Oaks Golf Club

Oct. 4, 2012

Cloudy, very windy, 40s
Results by Apple Raceberry JaM

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  1 Hopkins                  20    2    3    4    5    6    7    8  16:53.1  0:28.6
  2 East Ridge               49    1    9   11   12   16   20   27  17:19.2  1:07.4
  3 Mahtomedi                96   14   15   21   22   24   26   29  17:53.9  0:33.3
  4 St Francis              155   13   18   30   37   57            19:07.3  3:54.1
  5 Woodbury                157   10   17   19   50   61   62   67  19:18.3  5:04.0
  6 Andover                 163   25   28   32   34   44   47   49  19:10.3  2:05.2
  7 Blaine                  191   33   35   38   40   45   52   53  19:45.4  1:02.8
  8 Great River             210   36   39   41   46   48   66       20:08.5  1:06.3
  9 Henry Sibley            213   23   31   42   58   59   60   64  20:12.2  3:38.1
 10 Minneapolis South       259   43   51   54   55   56   63   65  21:01.1  1:13.0
 PLACE          FINISHER          TIME

1. Hopkins
    2  Chance Douglass, 8         16:39.5  
    3  Marla Bailey, 7            16:41.9  
    4  Annie Ahlquist, 8          16:49.2  
    5  Carolyn Francis, 12        17:07.1  
    6  Naomi Borowsky, 11         17:08.0  
    7  Kaley Inman, 11            17:14.0  
    8  Jezebel Flores-Camano, 12  17:15.5  
Total Time = 1:24:25.5     Total Places = 20

2. East Ridge
    1  Karla Brady, 9             16:34.5  
    9  Megan Yoshida, 9           17:17.0  
   11  Victoria Gruett, 9         17:30.6  
   12  Ellie Tupper, 11           17:32.3  
   16  Emily Burlog, 10           17:41.8  
   20  Anne Jackson, 7            17:57.1  
   27  Molly Mcvey, 10            18:15.7  
Total Time = 1:26:36.0     Total Places = 49

3. Mahtomedi
   14  Reagan Hubbard, 7          17:37.3  
   15  Bailey Anderson, 12        17:39.5  
   21  Alyssa Long, 11            17:58.3  
   22  Riley Burns, 9             18:03.8  
   24  Katie Ledermann, 12        18:10.6  
   26  Sarah Roytek, 11           18:10.8  
   29  Ellie Gerber, 9            18:46.7  
Total Time = 1:29:29.4     Total Places = 96

4. St Francis
   13  Molly Kungel, 10           17:32.3  
   18  Sarah Graham, 11           17:56.3  
   30  Rachel Puff, 11            19:01.4  
   37  Emily Doebbert, 11         19:40.2  
   57  Becca Hilgendorf, 10       21:26.4  
Total Time = 1:35:36.5     Total Places = 155

5. Woodbury
   10  Monet Claypool, 9          17:26.7  
   17  Christina Doherty, 10      17:53.9  
   19  Alexus Baumgartner, 10     17:56.5  
   50  Emily Schoen, 11           20:44.0  
   61  Anna-Claire Neu, 12        22:30.7  
   62  Mikaela Hunter, 12         22:33.0  
   67  Glacel Mae Lopez, 11       26:40.2  
Total Time = 1:36:31.5     Total Places = 157

6. Andover
   25  Alexis Pearson, 10         18:10.7  
   28  Tessa Williams, 9          18:40.5  
   32  Adamski Kay, 12            19:20.7  
   34  Megan Ritchie, 10          19:23.8  
   44  Ashley Carter, 11          20:15.9  
   47  Hannah Heath, 9            20:36.9  
   49  Allison Vatne, 12          20:40.1  
Total Time = 1:35:51.4     Total Places = 163

7. Blaine
   33  Allie Vanderleest, 12      19:22.0  
   35  Chessa Woetzel, 12         19:25.9  
   38  Katherine Ziebol, 9        19:40.8  
   40  Joelle Beyer, 11           19:53.3  
   45  Amber Newberg, 11          20:24.8  
   52  Kayla Newberg, 10          20:49.5  
   53  Avery Cloud, 10            20:57.4  
Total Time = 1:38:46.7     Total Places = 191

8. Great River
   36  Mikayla Stevens, 9         19:32.1  
   39  Esme Kayim-Yanko, 8        19:48.7  
   41  Ellen Dunn, 10             20:07.1  
   46  Yeshim Kayim-Yanko, 8      20:36.4  
   48  Shaniya Payton, 7          20:38.3  
   66  Shealani Doane, 11         26:14.3  
Total Time = 1:40:42.4     Total Places = 210

9. Henry Sibley
   23  Shannon Alley, 11          18:09.1  
   31  Emma Storkamp, 8           19:14.5  
   42  Quinn Woosley, 12          20:13.3  
   58  Colleen Sullivan, 10       21:37.1  
   59  Tillie Langston, 10        21:47.1  
   60  Elizabeth Fiddler, 12      22:26.9  
   64  Christina Zaine, 9         22:43.8  
Total Time = 1:41:00.9     Total Places = 213

10. Minneapolis South
   43  Sonrisa Gaulden, 10        20:13.4  
   51  Naomi Schroeter, 11        20:46.5  
   54  Phoebe Eisenbeis, 9        21:18.2  
   55  Theresa Lindblad, 12       21:20.9  
   56  Guanani Gomez, 11          21:26.3  
   63  Zoe Hartman, 12            22:40.3  
   65  Samantha Bonaime, 10       23:07.7  
Total Time = 1:45:05.1     Total Places = 259
 PLACE SCORE          FINISHER          TIME        TEAM         


1 1 Karla Brady, 9 16:34.5 East Ridge 2 2 Chance Douglass, 8 16:39.5 Hopkins 3 3 Marla Bailey, 7 16:41.9 Hopkins 4 4 Annie Ahlquist, 8 16:49.2 Hopkins 5 5 Carolyn Francis, 12 17:07.1 Hopkins 6 6 Naomi Borowsky, 11 17:08.0 Hopkins 7 7 Kaley Inman, 11 17:14.0 Hopkins 8 8 Jezebel Flores-Camano, 12 17:15.5 Hopkins 9 9 Megan Yoshida, 9 17:17.0 East Ridge 10 Hannah Gershone, 11 17:23.7 Hopkins 11 10 Monet Claypool, 9 17:26.7 Woodbury 12 Claire Miller, 10 17:28.8 Hopkins 13 11 Victoria Gruett, 9 17:30.6 East Ridge 14 12 Ellie Tupper, 11 17:32.3 East Ridge 15 13 Molly Kungel, 10 17:32.3 St Francis 16 14 Reagan Hubbard, 7 17:37.3 Mahtomedi 17 15 Bailey Anderson, 12 17:39.5 Mahtomedi 18 16 Emily Burlog, 10 17:41.8 East Ridge 19 17 Christina Doherty, 10 17:53.9 Woodbury 20 Miranda Oestreich, 10 17:55.6 Hopkins 21 18 Sarah Graham, 11 17:56.3 St Francis 22 19 Alexus Baumgartner, 10 17:56.5 Woodbury 23 20 Anne Jackson, 7 17:57.1 East Ridge 24 21 Alyssa Long, 11 17:58.3 Mahtomedi 25 Sophia Holm, 10 18:03.5 Hopkins 26 22 Riley Burns, 9 18:03.8 Mahtomedi 27 23 Shannon Alley, 11 18:09.1 Henry Sibley 28 24 Katie Ledermann, 12 18:10.6 Mahtomedi 29 25 Alexis Pearson, 10 18:10.7 Andover 30 26 Sarah Roytek, 11 18:10.8 Mahtomedi 31 27 Molly Mcvey, 10 18:15.7 East Ridge 32 Erin Kenney, 11 18:18.8 East Ridge 33 Ellie Kirkpatrick, 12 18:20.6 Minneapolis Southwest 34 Gabby Crumley, 10 18:21.4 East Ridge 35 Emma Miller, 11 18:34.1 Minneapolis Southwest 36 Jackie Renzetti, 12 18:34.3 East Ridge 37 28 Tessa Williams, 9 18:40.5 Andover 38 29 Ellie Gerber, 9 18:46.7 Mahtomedi 39 Veronica Mestad, 12 18:48.9 Hopkins 40 Kennedy Mason, 11 18:49.8 Mahtomedi 41 Brittany Solensten, 11 18:54.9 Mahtomedi 42 30 Rachel Puff, 11 19:01.4 St Francis 43 Leah O'Neal, 9 19:01.5 St Paul Highland Park 44 Kim Aanestad, 11 19:02.4 Hopkins 45 Sophia Maietta, 10 19:04.7 Mahtomedi 46 Natalie Ingberg, 10 19:08.4 Mahtomedi 47 31 Emma Storkamp, 8 19:14.5 Henry Sibley 48 Madeline Nelson, 9 19:17.8 Hopkins 49 Rachel Hoober, 11 19:20.6 Hopkins 50 32 Adamski Kay, 12 19:20.7 Andover 51 Jessie Dupay, 10 19:20.7 Hopkins 52 Madeline Martodam, 10 19:20.9 Hopkins 53 Amelie Barr, 10 19:21.5 Mahtomedi 54 33 Allie Vanderleest, 12 19:22.0 Blaine 55 34 Megan Ritchie, 10 19:23.8 Andover 56 Annika Haley, 10 19:25.4 St Paul Highland Park 57 35 Chessa Woetzel, 12 19:25.9 Blaine 58 Jackie Atkinson, 11 19:26.1 Mahtomedi 59 Julia Maras, 9 19:31.3 Minneapolis Southwest 60 Kelsey Ihns, 11 19:31.9 East Ridge 61 36 Mikayla Stevens, 9 19:32.1 Great River 62 37 Emily Doebbert, 11 19:40.2 St Francis 63 38 Katherine Ziebol, 9 19:40.8 Blaine 64 Madeline Johnson, 12 19:43.6 Hopkins 65 Staci Ikeri, 10 19:47.9 Tartan 66 Sarah Edinburgh, 9 19:48.0 Minneapolis Southwest 67 39 Esme Kayim-Yanko, 8 19:48.7 Great River 68 Nicole Kroschel, 12 19:49.4 Mahtomedi 69 Abby Miles, 10 19:49.6 Mahtomedi 70 40 Joelle Beyer, 11 19:53.3 Blaine 71 Roxy Krietzman, 11 19:56.0 Hopkins 72 41 Ellen Dunn, 10 20:07.1 Great River 73 42 Quinn Woosley, 12 20:13.3 Henry Sibley 74 43 Sonrisa Gaulden, 10 20:13.4 Minneapolis South 75 44 Ashley Carter, 11 20:15.9 Andover 76 Krystal Kleven, 11 20:16.0 East Ridge 77 Angie Chamberlain, 10 20:19.0 North St Paul 78 Becca VanHorne, 12 20:19.8 Hopkins 79 45 Amber Newberg, 11 20:24.8 Blaine 80 Meghan Jones, 10 20:25.1 North St Paul 81 Erin Lambert, 9 20:26.4 Hill-Murray 82 Eleanor Plaunt, 12 20:31.5 Hopkins 83 46 Yeshim Kayim-Yanko, 8 20:36.4 Great River 84 47 Hannah Heath, 9 20:36.9 Andover 85 48 Shaniya Payton, 7 20:38.3 Great River 86 49 Allison Vatne, 12 20:40.1 Andover 87 50 Emily Schoen, 11 20:44.0 Woodbury 88 51 Naomi Schroeter, 11 20:46.5 Minneapolis South 89 Julie Ward, 10 20:49.0 Hopkins 90 52 Kayla Newberg, 10 20:49.5 Blaine 91 Molly Dreblow, 10 20:52.3 Heritage Christian 92 53 Avery Cloud, 10 20:57.4 Blaine 93 Megan Perry, 10 21:01.5 Andover 94 Erin Lee, 12 21:01.6 Andover 95 Maria Barr, 9 21:07.7 Mahtomedi 96 Leah Dauterman, 11 21:07.8 Blaine 97 Tatum O'Donnell, 11 21:11.9 Hill-Murray 98 Megan Ollrich, 10 21:14.1 East Ridge 99 Bridget Nath, 10 21:15.1 Hill-Murray 100 Maddie Pyles, 9 21:16.5 Blaine 101 54 Phoebe Eisenbeis, 9 21:18.2 Minneapolis South 102 55 Theresa Lindblad, 12 21:20.9 Minneapolis South 103 Marguerite Crumley, 10 21:23.5 East Ridge 104 56 Guanani Gomez, 11 21:26.3 Minneapolis South 105 57 Becca Hilgendorf, 10 21:26.4 St Francis 106 Annie Miles, 9 21:28.8 Mahtomedi 107 Lizzi Souder, 12 21:33.5 Mahtomedi 108 Julia Valero, 11 21:33.9 Mahtomedi 109 58 Colleen Sullivan, 10 21:37.1 Henry Sibley 110 59 Tillie Langston, 10 21:47.1 Henry Sibley 111 Alejandra Headley, 11 22:14.6 East Ridge 112 60 Elizabeth Fiddler, 12 22:26.9 Henry Sibley 113 Lindsey Fletcher, 11 22:27.7 North St Paul 114 61 Anna-Claire Neu, 12 22:30.7 Woodbury 115 Bethany Stiles, 12 22:31.7 Tartan 116 62 Mikaela Hunter, 12 22:33.0 Woodbury 117 Cristina Brown, 10 22:36.3 Hopkins 118 Dominique Brown, 10 22:36.3 Hopkins 119 63 Zoe Hartman, 12 22:40.3 Minneapolis South 120 64 Christina Zaine, 9 22:43.8 Henry Sibley 121 Bri Farhat, 9 23:05.6 Hopkins 122 65 Samantha Bonaime, 10 23:07.7 Minneapolis South 123 Leah Bird, 11 23:22.4 Henry Sibley 124 Emily Saxon, 12 23:22.5 Henry Sibley 125 Brenna Falk, 9 23:23.4 Hopkins 126 Sabrina Chanthamontry, 11 23:33.5 Blaine 127 Brit Stein, 10 23:42.8 Hopkins 128 Eileen Connly, 12 24:06.8 St Paul Highland Park 129 Oda Gregusson, 12 24:10.8 Hopkins 130 Meghan Kies, 12 24:45.3 St Paul Highland Park 131 66 Shealani Doane, 11 26:14.3 Great River 132 Cornelia Lutz, 9 26:29.1 Minneapolis South 133 Nell Enright, 9 26:34.9 Hill-Murray 134 67 Glacel Mae Lopez, 11 26:40.2 Woodbury 135 Danielle Geist, 12 26:55.5 Henry Sibley 136 Haley Kiernan, 9 28:12.9 Hopkins

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