Section 1 Nordic Championships Girls Pursuit

Valleywood Golf Course, Apple Valley

Feb. 2, 2010

Cloudy, mid/high teens, light wind, soft
Results by Apple Raceberry JaM

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Qualifiers shown in red.


  1 Winona/Winona Cotter    380   99   95   94   92   87   82   79  43:24.5  3:34.4
 2* Lakeville South         365  100   91   88   86   84   80   64  43:50.2  5:50.7
 3* Lakeville North         365   97   93   90   85   83   72   60  44:13.4  4:01.5
  4 prior lake              319   96   78   77   68   67   65   48  47:39.7  7:37.9
  5 Eagan                   309   98   75   73   63   61   59   58  47:44.6 10:21.3
  6 Park Cottage Grove      274   89   76   57   52   51   47       50:54.8 10:30.7
  7 Northfield              247   70   66   56   55   54   53   49  52:16.5  4:59.0
  8 Hastings                188   81   62   45                      53:04.3 47:28.4
  9 Simley                  183   50   46   44   43   42          1:01:57.3  8:47.9
 10 Eastview                143   74   69                           49:24.2 49:13.1
 11 Apple Valley             71   71                                49:26.4 49:26.4
 PLACE          FINISHER          TIME

1. Winona/Winona Cotter
   99  Kayla Ewert, 12            40:57.7  
   95  Erin Keane, 10             43:57.3  
   94  Emma Larson, 12            44:10.9  
   92  Claire Guidinger, 12       44:32.1  
   87  Cherrise Wolvington, 10    45:23.0  
   82  Suzanne Schwab, 11         47:21.1  
   79  Cassie Bullard, 11         47:35.4  
     Total Places = 380

2*. Lakeville South
  100  Jordyn Ross, 12            39:47.2  
   91  Albany Zweber-Langer, 12   44:44.3  
   88  Maggie Singer, 10          45:11.5  
   86  Meghan Barry, 11           45:37.9  
   84  Maurita Denley, 11         47:01.6  
   80  Jane Kirby, 11             47:32.3  
   64  Taylor Vonasek, 11         51:15.4  
     Total Places = 365

3*. Lakeville North
   97  Michelle Ferguson, 11      41:57.1  
   93  Amanda Wilson, 11          44:13.1  
   90  Amy Ferguson, 9            44:44.9  
   85  Emma Johnson, 10           45:58.6  
   83  Jenna Saunders, 11         47:15.6  
   72  Nicole Naatjes, 11         49:18.2  
   60  Sara Nelson, 9             52:28.2  
     Total Places = 365

4. prior lake
   96  Grace Chandler, 11         42:37.3  
   78  Alyssa Sodahl, 12          48:50.9  
   77  Haley Sorensen, 10         48:55.5  
   68  Megan Lundquist, 10        50:15.2  
   67  Alex Fasking, 10           50:16.7  
   65  Annie Kleaver, 12          50:44.6  
   48  Kaija Ornes, 7             57:54.6  
     Total Places = 319

5. Eagan
   98  Sonja Hedblom, 9           41:04.5  
   75  Laura Bailly, 10           49:11.2  
   73  Clare Soderling, 10        49:16.9  
   63  Kendra Estenson, 12        51:25.8  
   61  Dana Billing, 12           52:12.9  
   59  Roxanne Holt, 9            52:41.3  
   58  Michaela Banz, 7           52:51.0  
     Total Places = 309

6. Park Cottage Grove
   89  Amanda Synder, 12          45:10.2  
   76  Kelly Miles, 12            49:02.3  
   57  Alex Newell, 12            53:45.7  
   52  Sarah Manship, 11          55:40.9  
   51  Annie Lisson, 11           56:10.9  
   47  Ali Flipovich, 11          58:45.0  
     Total Places = 274

7. Northfield
   70  Sofie Scheuerman, 9        49:28.4  
   66  Kristi Rasmussen, 11       50:44.1  
   56  Leigh Langehough, 12       54:26.2  
   55  Carly Davidson, 12         54:27.3  
   54  Maria Olson, 9             54:28.7  
   53  Zoe Webb, 9                54:53.0  
   49  Anna Courchaine, 11        57:50.5  
     Total Places = 247

8. Hastings
   81  Sarah Peterson, 10         47:28.4  
   62  Alicia Beattie, 12         51:45.1  
   45  Caitlin Whited, 12         59:59.2  
     Total Places = 188

9. Simley
   50  Summer Freed, 9            57:09.9  
   46  Andrea Castillo, 10        58:49.9  
   44  Shayla Howell, 10        1:05:51.8  
   43  Sydney Klimas, 10        1:05:57.7  
   42  Hannah O'Donell, 8       1:08:06.9  
     Total Places = 183

10. Eastview
   74  MacKenzie Burkstrand, 11   49:13.1  
   69  Anne Ferguson, 11          49:35.4  
     Total Places = 143

11. Apple Valley
   71  Zoe Kesserling, 12         49:26.4  
     Total Places = 71
        TEAM                               Classic    Freestyle     FINAL
 PLACE SCORE           FINISHER             TIME     TIME      TIME        TEAM


1 1 Jordyn Ross, 12 21:11.00 18:36.11 39:47.2 Lakeville South 2 2 Kayla Ewert, 12 21:48.00 19:09.67 40:57.7 Winona/Winona Cotter 3 3 Sonja Hedblom, 9 22:18.00 18:46.49 41:04.5 Eagan 4 4 Michelle Ferguson, 11 22:01.00 19:56.09 41:57.1 Lakeville North 5 5 Grace Chandler, 11 22:37.00 20:00.30 42:37.3 prior lake 6 6 Erin Keane, 10 24:17.00 19:40.23 43:57.3 Winona/Winona Cotter 7 7 Emma Larson, 12 23:40.00 20:30.85 44:10.9 Winona/Winona Cotter 8 8 Amanda Wilson, 11 23:54.00 20:19.02 44:13.1 Lakeville North 9 9 Claire Guidinger, 12 24:19.00 20:13.06 44:32.1 Winona/Winona Cotter 10 10 Albany Zweber-Langer, 12 23:35.00 21:09.22 44:44.3 Lakeville South 11 11 Amy Ferguson, 9 23:38.00 21:06.87 44:44.9 Lakeville North 12 12 Amanda Synder, 12 24:32.00 20:38.20 45:10.2 Park Cottage Grove 13 13 Maggie Singer, 10 23:47.00 21:24.41 45:11.5 Lakeville South 14 14 Cherrise Wolvington, 10 24:48.00 20:34.92 45:23.0 Winona/Winona Cotter 15 15 Meghan Barry, 11 25:10.00 20:27.81 45:37.9 Lakeville South 16 16 Emma Johnson, 10 24:51.00 21:07.55 45:58.6 Lakeville North 17 17 Maurita Denley, 11 24:52.00 22:09.54 47:01.6 Lakeville South 18 18 Jenna Saunders, 11 25:59.00 21:16.57 47:15.6 Lakeville North 19 19 Suzanne Schwab, 11 25:31.00 21:50.09 47:21.1 Winona/Winona Cotter 20 20 Sarah Peterson, 10 25:35.00 21:53.35 47:28.4 Hastings 21 21 Jane Kirby, 11 25:40.00 21:52.26 47:32.3 Lakeville South 22 22 Cassie Bullard, 11 25:50.00 21:45.32 47:35.4 Winona/Winona Cotter 23 23 Alyssa Sodahl, 12 25:13.00 23:37.86 48:50.9 prior lake 24 24 Haley Sorensen, 10 26:17.00 22:38.48 48:55.5 prior lake 25 25 Kelly Miles, 12 25:34.00 23:28.28 49:02.3 Park Cottage Grove 26 26 Laura Bailly, 10 26:23.00 22:48.20 49:11.2 Eagan 27 27 MacKenzie Burkstrand, 11 27:11.00 22:02.10 49:13.1 Eastview 28 28 Clare Soderling, 10 26:03.00 23:13.85 49:16.9 Eagan 29 29 Nicole Naatjes, 11 26:31.00 22:47.19 49:18.2 Lakeville North 30 30 Zoe Kesserling, 12 26:45.00 22:41.40 49:26.4 Apple Valley 31 31 Sofie Scheuerman, 9 27:43.00 21:45.32 49:28.4 Northfield 32 32 Anne Ferguson, 11 26:42.00 22:53.31 49:35.4 Eastview 33 33 Megan Lundquist, 10 26:57.00 23:18.19 50:15.2 prior lake 34 34 Alex Fasking, 10 26:58.00 23:18.61 50:16.7 prior lake 35 35 Kristi Rasmussen, 11 28:05.00 22:39.08 50:44.1 Northfield 36 36 Annie Kleaver, 12 27:28.00 23:16.55 50:44.6 prior lake 37 37 Taylor Vonasek, 11 27:18.00 23:57.33 51:15.4 Lakeville South 38 38 Kendra Estenson, 12 26:35.00 24:50.77 51:25.8 Eagan 39 39 Alicia Beattie, 12 29:01.00 22:44.09 51:45.1 Hastings 40 40 Dana Billing, 12 28:17.00 23:55.81 52:12.9 Eagan 41 41 Sara Nelson, 9 28:15.00 24:13.14 52:28.2 Lakeville North 42 42 Roxanne Holt, 9 28:32.00 24:09.28 52:41.3 Eagan 43 43 Michaela Banz, 7 27:26.00 25:24.92 52:51.0 Eagan 44 44 Alex Newell, 12 28:18.00 25:27.63 53:45.7 Park Cottage Grove 45 45 Leigh Langehough, 12 29:41.00 24:45.19 54:26.2 Northfield 46 46 Carly Davidson, 12 29:58.00 24:29.30 54:27.3 Northfield 47 47 Maria Olson, 9 30:11.00 24:17.65 54:28.7 Northfield 48 48 Zoe Webb, 9 29:54.00 24:58.91 54:53.0 Northfield 49 49 Sarah Manship, 11 29:43.00 25:57.84 55:40.9 Park Cottage Grove 50 50 Annie Lisson, 11 29:07.00 27:03.84 56:10.9 Park Cottage Grove 51 51 Summer Freed, 9 30:33.00 26:36.83 57:09.9 Simley 52 52 Anna Courchaine, 11 31:19.00 26:31.48 57:50.5 Northfield 53 53 Kaija Ornes, 7 32:22.00 25:32.60 57:54.6 prior lake 54 54 Ali Flipovich, 11 30:42.00 28:02.99 58:45.0 Park Cottage Grove 55 55 Andrea Castillo, 10 31:23.00 27:26.85 58:49.9 Simley 56 56 Caitlin Whited, 12 32:58.00 27:01.20 59:59.2 Hastings 57 57 Shayla Howell, 10 35:27.00 30:24.74 1:05:51.8 Simley 58 58 Sydney Klimas, 10 35:28.00 30:29.69 1:05:57.7 Simley 59 59 Hannah O'Donell, 8 36:35.00 31:31.89 1:08:06.9 Simley

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