MSHSL Section 2A Championships Boys

Blue Earth Area

Oct. 28, 2010

Results by Teri Durban

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Qualifiers shown in red.


  1 Waseca                   78    1    4   12   27   34   45   52  17:47.8  2:04.0
  2 Fairmont                 96   10   15   19   21   31   38   40  18:09.4  1:13.0
  3 Martin County West       97    7    9   14   23   44   60   83  18:04.8  1:48.0
  4 St. James               156    2   25   32   47   50   82   85  18:32.0  2:27.0
  5 Madelia/Truman          157    3    6   36   49   63   70  101  18:28.2  2:44.0
  6 Blue Earth              172   16   22   29   46   59   71  104  18:46.4  1:28.0
  7 Usc-Ac                  204   11   18   54   57   64   68   77  18:54.2  2:13.0
  8 Lesueur-Henderson/Mnc   210    5   28   48   56   73   88   98  18:56.2  2:45.0
  9 Wem/Jwp                 239   30   37   53   58   61   80       19:14.8  1:05.0
 10 G-F-W                   255   24   35   51   69   76   78   96  19:21.6  1:43.0
 11 Lcwm/Nicollet           311   17   41   72   75  106  115  120  19:52.8  3:55.0
 12 Sibley East             331    8   13   90  103  117            20:19.0  6:30.0
 13 Montgomery-Lonsdale     356   20   55   89   95   97  108  112  20:09.4  2:45.0
 14 Maple River             358   42   65   67   91   93  100  107  20:07.4  1:50.0
 15 St. Peter               361   26   62   87   92   94   99  111  20:11.2  2:31.0
 16 Mankato Loyola          399   43   81   84   86  105  116       20:31.8  2:56.0
 17 Minnesota Valley Luth   402   33   74   79  102  114  119       20:47.6  4:23.0
 18 Sleepy Eye Unified/Nu   437   39   66  109  110  113  118       21:15.4  3:57.0

Incomplete Teams: Nrheg
 PLACE          FINISHER          TIME

1. Waseca
    1  Shane Streich, 8           16:43.0  
    4  Jesse Delgado, 7           17:15.0  
   12  Nicholas Rudolph, 12       17:40.0  
   27  Daniel Livdahl, 10         18:34.0  
   34  Cesar Gallegos, 8          18:47.0  
   45  Matthew Mertzdorf, 11      19:12.0  
   52  Matt Wendland, 8           19:23.0  
Total Time = 1:28:59.0     Total Places = 78

2. Fairmont
   10  Sam Viesselman, 12         17:29.0  
   15  Robby Riley, 12            18:05.0  
   19  Ron Reynolds, 12           18:11.0  
   21  Justin McMurtry, 12        18:20.0  
   31  Kevin Hanson, 11           18:42.0  
   38  Robert Hamp, 10            18:52.0  
   40  Joe Fujan, 12              19:03.0  
Total Time = 1:30:47.0     Total Places = 96

3. Martin County West
    7  Adam Kleine, 11            17:21.0  
    9  Matt Stoffel, 12           17:26.0  
   14  Walter Fuller, 10          18:02.0  
   23  Jonah Mayo, 8              18:26.0  
   44  Dylan Brockman, 8          19:09.0  
   60  Matthew Viesselman, 8      19:43.0  
   83  Daniel Smith, 10           20:28.0  
Total Time = 1:30:24.0     Total Places = 97

4. St. James
    2  Johnathan Surber, 10       16:54.0  
   25  Zach Christenson, 11       18:28.0  
   32  Angel Soto, 11             18:43.0  
   47  Adam Bruton, 10            19:14.0  
   50  Richie Soto, 10            19:21.0  
   82  Tyler Witcraft, 9          20:27.0  
   85  Taylor Berg, 11            20:30.0  
Total Time = 1:32:40.0     Total Places = 156

5. Madelia/Truman
    3  Alex Cooling, 12           17:03.0  
    6  Cade Ekstrom, 10           17:20.0  
   36  Leeroy Leal, 11            18:51.0  
   49  Caled Arndt, 11            19:20.0  
   63  Levi Ekstrom, 12           19:47.0  
   70  Eric Colon, 11             19:58.0  
  101  Landon Martinez, 8         21:32.0  
Total Time = 1:32:21.0     Total Places = 157

6. Blue Earth
   16  Riley Holmseth, 12         18:06.0  
   22  Wade Wilhelmi, 12          18:21.0  
   29  Aaron Wilhelmi, 12         18:38.0  
   46  Mike Ankeny, 8             19:13.0  
   59  Jake Zebedee, 11           19:34.0  
   71  Jesse Alleven, 10          19:59.0  
  104  Korey Frandle, 9           22:00.0  
Total Time = 1:33:52.0     Total Places = 172

7. Usc-Ac
   11  Dylan Baumann, 11          17:35.0  
   18  Daniel Elmer, 12           18:10.0  
   54  Thane O'Rourke, 12         19:28.0  
   57  Adam Stevermer, 8          19:30.0  
   64  Brett Stevermer, 10        19:48.0  
   68  Eric Redman, 10            19:56.0  
   77  Seth Treptow, 12           20:12.0  
Total Time = 1:34:31.0     Total Places = 204

8. Lesueur-Henderson/Mnc
    5  Andrew Gerdts, 12          17:16.0  
   28  Aj Smith, 11               18:35.0  
   48  Brett Pfarr, 11            19:19.0  
   56  Zach Kroehler, 12          19:30.0  
   73  Ethan Dwyer, 9             20:01.0  
   88  Nate Eide, 10              20:50.0  
   98  Laurence Stutsman, 12      21:13.0  
Total Time = 1:34:41.0     Total Places = 210

9. Wem/Jwp
   30  Andy Rezac, 12             18:40.0  
   37  Skyler Petry, 9            18:52.0  
   53  Brady Watzek, 9            19:24.0  
   58  Caleb Curran, 12           19:33.0  
   61  Eric Keller, 10            19:45.0  
   80  Tony Solis, 12             20:19.0  
Total Time = 1:36:14.0     Total Places = 239

10. G-F-W
   24  Josh Colon, 12             18:28.0  
   35  Tyler Dummer, 10           18:50.0  
   51  Jesse McDurmont, 12        19:22.0  
   69  Jesse Rider, 9             19:57.0  
   76  Brandon Albrecht, 9        20:11.0  
   78  Bruce Prigge, 12           20:13.0  
   96  Sam Gatton, 10             21:03.0  
Total Time = 1:36:48.0     Total Places = 255

11. Lcwm/Nicollet
   17  Stephen Bernau, 11         18:09.0  
   41  Brad Bindig, 12            19:04.0  
   72  Wyatt Kjeldahl, 10         20:01.0  
   75  John Roth, 7               20:06.0  
  106  Kalen Magers, 7            22:04.0  
  115  Zach Olsem, 7              23:34.0  
  120  Ethan Anderson, 8          24:16.0  
Total Time = 1:39:24.0     Total Places = 311

12. Sibley East
    8  Andrew Thies, 12           17:22.0  
   13  Riley Norman, 12           17:42.0  
   90  Sam Thies, 8               20:52.0  
  103  Todd Pioske, 12            21:47.0  
  117  Randy Briest, 12           23:52.0  
Total Time = 1:41:35.0     Total Places = 331

13. Montgomery-Lonsdale
   20  Jesse Beulke, 11           18:20.0  
   55  Marty McGuire              19:29.0  
   89  Ben Pichotta, 10           20:51.0  
   95  Travis Billmeyer, 8        21:02.0  
   97  Mick McGuire               21:05.0  
  108  Jared Dooley               22:08.0  
  112  Jeremy Walerius, 8         22:50.0  
Total Time = 1:40:47.0     Total Places = 356

14. Maple River
   42  Tanner Lemmon, 11          19:06.0  
   65  Zach Krengel, 10           19:49.0  
   67  Lucas Keller, 11           19:53.0  
   91  Jack Parsley, 10           20:53.0  
   93  Jesse Jaeger, 12           20:56.0  
  100  John Dickey, 12            21:24.0  
  107  Sam Duncanson, 10          22:05.0  
Total Time = 1:40:37.0     Total Places = 358

15. St. Peter
   26  Nicholas Pietila, 10       18:28.0  
   62  Jake Anderberg, 12         19:46.0  
   87  Joe Atkins, 10             20:49.0  
   92  Anthony Cluka, 9           20:54.0  
   94  Matt Sack, 10              20:59.0  
   99  Pace Maier, 11             21:14.0  
  111  Daniel Obermiller, 11      22:50.0  
Total Time = 1:40:56.0     Total Places = 361

16. Mankato Loyola
   43  Wyatt Elmer, 9             19:07.0  
   81  Josh Bruender, 10          20:26.0  
   84  Jack Adams, 10             20:29.0  
   86  Chris Liu, 9               20:34.0  
  105  Nikolas Prenissl, 11       22:03.0  
  116  Nate Friedley, 12          23:41.0  
Total Time = 1:42:39.0     Total Places = 399

17. Minnesota Valley Luth
   33  Daniel Stelljes, 11        18:46.0  
   74  Joshua Grefe, 12           20:03.0  
   79  Caleb Grefe, 10            20:17.0  
  102  Philip Biedenbender, 11    21:43.0  
  114  Zack Scharlemann, 10       23:09.0  
  119  Brian Knepprath, 11        24:15.0  
Total Time = 1:43:58.0     Total Places = 402

18. Sleepy Eye Unified/Nu
   39  Isaiah Butler, 12          19:01.0  
   66  Tony Hillesheim, 12        19:52.0  
  109  Barret Carlson, 9          22:09.0  
  110  Brandon Roiger, 10         22:17.0  
  113  Stephen Joyce, 8           22:58.0  
  118  Kollin Trebesch, 10        24:05.0  
Total Time = 1:46:17.0     Total Places = 437
 PLACE SCORE          FINISHER          TIME        TEAM         


1 1 Shane Streich, 8 16:43.0 Waseca 2 2 Johnathan Surber, 10 16:54.0 St. James 3 3 Alex Cooling, 12 17:03.0 Madelia/Truman 4 4 Jesse Delgado, 7 17:15.0 Waseca 5 5 Andrew Gerdts, 12 17:16.0 Lesueur-Henderson/Mnc 6 6 Cade Ekstrom, 10 17:20.0 Madelia/Truman 7 7 Adam Kleine, 11 17:21.0 Martin County West 8 8 Andrew Thies, 12 17:22.0 Sibley East 9 9 Matt Stoffel, 12 17:26.0 Martin County West 10 10 Sam Viesselman, 12 17:29.0 Fairmont 11 11 Dylan Baumann, 11 17:35.0 Usc-Ac 12 12 Nicholas Rudolph, 12 17:40.0 Waseca 13 13 Riley Norman, 12 17:42.0 Sibley East 14 14 Walter Fuller, 10 18:02.0 Martin County West 15 15 Robby Riley, 12 18:05.0 Fairmont 16 16 Riley Holmseth, 12 18:06.0 Blue Earth 17 17 Stephen Bernau, 11 18:09.0 Lcwm/Nicollet 18 18 Daniel Elmer, 12 18:10.0 Usc-Ac 19 19 Ron Reynolds, 12 18:11.0 Fairmont 20 20 Jesse Beulke, 11 18:20.0 Montgomery-Lonsdale 21 21 Justin McMurtry, 12 18:20.0 Fairmont 22 22 Wade Wilhelmi, 12 18:21.0 Blue Earth 23 23 Jonah Mayo, 8 18:26.0 Martin County West 24 24 Josh Colon, 12 18:28.0 G-F-W 25 25 Zach Christenson, 11 18:28.0 St. James 26 26 Nicholas Pietila, 10 18:28.0 St. Peter 27 27 Daniel Livdahl, 10 18:34.0 Waseca 28 28 Aj Smith, 11 18:35.0 Lesueur-Henderson/Mnc 29 29 Aaron Wilhelmi, 12 18:38.0 Blue Earth 30 30 Andy Rezac, 12 18:40.0 Wem/Jwp 31 31 Kevin Hanson, 11 18:42.0 Fairmont 32 32 Angel Soto, 11 18:43.0 St. James 33 Tj Schiltz, 9 18:45.0 Nrheg 34 33 Daniel Stelljes, 11 18:46.0 Minnesota Valley Luth 35 34 Cesar Gallegos, 8 18:47.0 Waseca 36 35 Tyler Dummer, 10 18:50.0 G-F-W 37 36 Leeroy Leal, 11 18:51.0 Madelia/Truman 38 37 Skyler Petry, 9 18:52.0 Wem/Jwp 39 38 Robert Hamp, 10 18:52.0 Fairmont 40 39 Isaiah Butler, 12 19:01.0 Sleepy Eye Unified/Nu 41 40 Joe Fujan, 12 19:03.0 Fairmont 42 41 Brad Bindig, 12 19:04.0 Lcwm/Nicollet 43 42 Tanner Lemmon, 11 19:06.0 Maple River 44 43 Wyatt Elmer, 9 19:07.0 Mankato Loyola 45 44 Dylan Brockman, 8 19:09.0 Martin County West 46 45 Matthew Mertzdorf, 11 19:12.0 Waseca 47 46 Mike Ankeny, 8 19:13.0 Blue Earth 48 47 Adam Bruton, 10 19:14.0 St. James 49 48 Brett Pfarr, 11 19:19.0 Lesueur-Henderson/Mnc 50 49 Caled Arndt, 11 19:20.0 Madelia/Truman 51 50 Richie Soto, 10 19:21.0 St. James 52 51 Jesse McDurmont, 12 19:22.0 G-F-W 53 52 Matt Wendland, 8 19:23.0 Waseca 54 53 Brady Watzek, 9 19:24.0 Wem/Jwp 55 54 Thane O'Rourke, 12 19:28.0 Usc-Ac 56 55 Marty McGuire 19:29.0 Montgomery-Lonsdale 57 56 Zach Kroehler, 12 19:30.0 Lesueur-Henderson/Mnc 58 57 Adam Stevermer, 8 19:30.0 Usc-Ac 59 58 Caleb Curran, 12 19:33.0 Wem/Jwp 60 59 Jake Zebedee, 11 19:34.0 Blue Earth 61 60 Matthew Viesselman, 8 19:43.0 Martin County West 62 61 Eric Keller, 10 19:45.0 Wem/Jwp 63 62 Jake Anderberg, 12 19:46.0 St. Peter 64 63 Levi Ekstrom, 12 19:47.0 Madelia/Truman 65 64 Brett Stevermer, 10 19:48.0 Usc-Ac 66 65 Zach Krengel, 10 19:49.0 Maple River 67 66 Tony Hillesheim, 12 19:52.0 Sleepy Eye Unified/Nu 68 67 Lucas Keller, 11 19:53.0 Maple River 69 68 Eric Redman, 10 19:56.0 Usc-Ac 70 69 Jesse Rider, 9 19:57.0 G-F-W 71 70 Eric Colon, 11 19:58.0 Madelia/Truman 72 71 Jesse Alleven, 10 19:59.0 Blue Earth 73 72 Wyatt Kjeldahl, 10 20:01.0 Lcwm/Nicollet 74 73 Ethan Dwyer, 9 20:01.0 Lesueur-Henderson/Mnc 75 74 Joshua Grefe, 12 20:03.0 Minnesota Valley Luth 76 75 John Roth, 7 20:06.0 Lcwm/Nicollet 77 76 Brandon Albrecht, 9 20:11.0 G-F-W 78 77 Seth Treptow, 12 20:12.0 Usc-Ac 79 78 Bruce Prigge, 12 20:13.0 G-F-W 80 79 Caleb Grefe, 10 20:17.0 Minnesota Valley Luth 81 80 Tony Solis, 12 20:19.0 Wem/Jwp 82 81 Josh Bruender, 10 20:26.0 Mankato Loyola 83 82 Tyler Witcraft, 9 20:27.0 St. James 84 83 Daniel Smith, 10 20:28.0 Martin County West 85 84 Jack Adams, 10 20:29.0 Mankato Loyola 86 85 Taylor Berg, 11 20:30.0 St. James 87 86 Chris Liu, 9 20:34.0 Mankato Loyola 88 87 Joe Atkins, 10 20:49.0 St. Peter 89 88 Nate Eide, 10 20:50.0 Lesueur-Henderson/Mnc 90 89 Ben Pichotta, 10 20:51.0 Montgomery-Lonsdale 91 90 Sam Thies, 8 20:52.0 Sibley East 92 91 Jack Parsley, 10 20:53.0 Maple River 93 92 Anthony Cluka, 9 20:54.0 St. Peter 94 93 Jesse Jaeger, 12 20:56.0 Maple River 95 94 Matt Sack, 10 20:59.0 St. Peter 96 95 Travis Billmeyer, 8 21:02.0 Montgomery-Lonsdale 97 96 Sam Gatton, 10 21:03.0 G-F-W 98 97 Mick McGuire 21:05.0 Montgomery-Lonsdale 99 98 Laurence Stutsman, 12 21:13.0 Lesueur-Henderson/Mnc 100 99 Pace Maier, 11 21:14.0 St. Peter 101 100 John Dickey, 12 21:24.0 Maple River 102 101 Landon Martinez, 8 21:32.0 Madelia/Truman 103 102 Philip Biedenbender, 11 21:43.0 Minnesota Valley Luth 104 103 Todd Pioske, 12 21:47.0 Sibley East 105 104 Korey Frandle, 9 22:00.0 Blue Earth 106 105 Nikolas Prenissl, 11 22:03.0 Mankato Loyola 107 106 Kalen Magers, 7 22:04.0 Lcwm/Nicollet 108 107 Sam Duncanson, 10 22:05.0 Maple River 109 Jade Waltz, 11 22:07.0 Nrheg 110 108 Jared Dooley 22:08.0 Montgomery-Lonsdale 111 109 Barret Carlson, 9 22:09.0 Sleepy Eye Unified/Nu 112 110 Brandon Roiger, 10 22:17.0 Sleepy Eye Unified/Nu 113 111 Daniel Obermiller, 11 22:50.0 St. Peter 114 112 Jeremy Walerius, 8 22:50.0 Montgomery-Lonsdale 115 113 Stephen Joyce, 8 22:58.0 Sleepy Eye Unified/Nu 116 Raece Johnson, 9 23:03.0 Nrheg 117 114 Zack Scharlemann, 10 23:09.0 Minnesota Valley Luth 118 115 Zach Olsem, 7 23:34.0 Lcwm/Nicollet 119 Dustin Burshem, 10 23:36.0 Nrheg 120 116 Nate Friedley, 12 23:41.0 Mankato Loyola 121 117 Randy Briest, 12 23:52.0 Sibley East 122 118 Kollin Trebesch, 10 24:05.0 Sleepy Eye Unified/Nu 123 119 Brian Knepprath, 11 24:15.0 Minnesota Valley Luth 124 120 Ethan Anderson, 8 24:16.0 Lcwm/Nicollet

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